Rick & Morty Team Selector
A project to search, filter & choose a team. Built using React, a Rick and Morty API & Reach-Router. With Firebase Hosting, Authentication & Cloud Firestore.
A project to search, filter & choose a team. Built using React, a Rick and Morty API & Reach-Router. With Firebase Hosting, Authentication & Cloud Firestore.
A Top Trumps inspired game built in React, with an automated opponent that takes turns on loss of the player.
A web app used to generate random teams for football games of any group size. Built in React, using a mobile-first approach. This project uses OOP class-based components.
A first person target shooter JS game. Built using JavaScript, HTML & CSS, highlighting the application of CSS Animation.
A React-based web app providing discounts in independent bars & restaurants in South East London. Developed by myself and eight other _nology students using agile methods.
A basic Enlish to Morse translator. Built using JavaScript, HTML & CSS in the early stages of the course.
I am a 24 year old from Essex. After working as a manager in Retail since leaving college, I decided to pursue a 12-week intensive software development bootcamp at _nology. Since starting the course my passion for coding has developed into new heights. It is as addictive as it is challenging and something I genuinely enjoy, I am thoroughly looking forward to beginning my career as a Junior Software Developer.
I can build performant, maintainable and scalable applications and troubleshoot and solve bugs in existing applications. I will bring an ambitious, forward-thinking attitude to your development process and can adapt to meet the requirements of the role. I'm currently working mostly in front-end programming, but I'm eager to learn other languages and experience more server-side programming. Being able to create my own games in the future is an huge dream of mine. I love to learn, be challenged and solve problems.
Hobbies I enjoy in my spare time are: Football, playing for a local 11-a-side team & watching the Man City and England games; Gaming on my xbox, I hope to transition over to PC soon; Mixed Martial Arts, training in a gym and watching the UFC; Podcasts, listening to 'The Joe Rogan Experience' and 'Bad Friends'; Music, Hip-Hop is my jam.
(+44)7715 443314
Braintree, Essex, England